Possible Post-Amputation Complications

An amputation is a significant injury that can affect every aspect of a person’s life. This includes their ability to carry out day-to-day activities as well as the types of jobs they may be able to perform. The aftermath of an amputation can also lead to various medical complications that we want to review. Complications are not uncommon, but they must be treated promptly to prevent any further setbacks during the recovery process. If you encounter complications due to another party’s negligent actions, call a Portland amputation injury attorney for assistance at once. 

Amputations Are Not Uncommon 

Information available from Healthline shows that amputations occur in a wide variety of ways. Some of the most common causes of amputations relate to traumatic incidents, issues with blood flow conditions, and cancer. Data indicates that approximately 2.1 million individuals are currently living with a lost limb in the United States, and around 500 individuals lose a limb each day.

Complication After an Amputation

Individuals who sustain amputation injuries will have risks of complications, both in the immediate aftermath of the procedure as well as in the weeks and months that follow. An amputation is a surgical procedure that affects the soft tissue, arteries and veins, tendons, muscles, ligaments, and the bone. This is a trauma that the body experiences and traumas almost always comes with complications. Some of the most common of these complications include:

  • Edema. Commonly referred to as stump edema, this occurs as a result of the direct trauma of the incident or due to mishandling of tissues during the surgical process. After an amputation, there is often an issue with the fluid transfer between tissues, and there are numerous interventions used to prevent this from becoming a major complication.
  • Infection. As with any surgical procedure, there is a significant risk of infection. Infections of the amputation area are moire likely to occur in those who have diabetes, are older, or smoke.
  • Pain. Pain in and around the site of the incision is very common after an amputation occurs. This can include post-amputation pain at the site of the wound as well as residual limb pain, which refers to the sensations in the areas around the amputated body part. This can also include phantom limb sensation or phantom limb pain, which occurs when individuals continue to feel pain in the area where their limb was previously located.
  • Muscle contractures or weakness. It is not uncommon for patients to experience muscle weakness or instability in areas not directly associated with the amputation. When an individual loses a part of their body, other areas around the amputation will compensate for the changes, and this deconditioning can result in diminished muscle mass, reduced muscle strength, and changes in the cartilaginous structures.

Recovering Compensation for the Unexpected Complications

If you or somebody you love has sustained an amputation injury caused by the negligent actions of another party, you should be able to recover compensation for your losses. It is absolutely critical to recover enough compensation to pay for any unexpected losses that are likely to occur in the weeks, months, and years that follow the initial amputation treatment. This includes all long-term medical care for the amputation injury as well as adjustments individuals have to make in their lives as a result of the amputation.

It is important to contact with a skilled amputation attorney in Oregon who can examine the facts of your case, prepare an injury claim against another party, and fully examine the overall total costs of the amputation injury.