Bracing for braces
Posted on August 29, 2012 in Our Blog,Patient Care
Can you imagine having to wear braces for nearly a dozen years? Well, that is what happened to Devin Bost, formerly of Eugene, who first got braces at the tender age of seven. He was forced to wear braces until he was eighteen. He now claims that having to wear braces for so many years… read more
Texting and maiming
Posted on August 23, 2012 in Our Blog,Public Safety
Even though there are regulations in many states about texting while driving, there are still plenty of people who text and drive. Think about it–when is the last time you were out and did NOT see someone texting while driving? A New Jersey couple were on a motorcycle in fall of 2009 when they were… read more
Flush that!
Posted on August 18, 2012 in Our Blog
It’s been a while since we have had one of those practically unbelievable stories. Well, get this, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a nationwide recall of a particular toilet-flushing mechanism because it can explode. That’s right, it explodes and can cause injuries. The flushing mechanism is the Flushmate III Pressure-Assisted Flushing System… read more
Medical errors on the rise … slightly
Posted on August 15, 2012 in Our Blog,Patient Care,Patient Death
The Oregon Patient Safety Commission announced that reported hospital errors, also known as adverse events or never events, rose slightly in 2011 to 142 events. While this is somewhat of a disappointment, the commission is looking on the bright side, as the reporting of these errors by hospitals is voluntary, and the commission has been… read more