The 5 Most Common Hidden Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can be a terrifying experience for the drivers and passengers involved. Often, injuries caused by a car accident or immediately visible and known. However, there are times when a person involved in a vehicle accident may not know that they are injured right away. It is not uncommon for vehicle crash victims to experience various “hidden” or delayed injuries that may not show up for hours or even days after the incident occurs. Here we want to discuss the five most common hidden car accident injuries that occur.

Cervical strain (whiplash) or herniated disc

One of the most common injuries reported in the aftermath of a crash, particularly for rear-end collisions, is whiplash. This is actually a cervical sprain or strain that occurs when the head and neck of a driver or passenger experiences a sudden and unexpected rapid forward and backward movement. Often, this type of injury does not result in immediate signs and symptoms that cause pain. It is not uncommon for whiplash symptoms to manifest days or even weeks after a crash occurs.

hidden injuries

In addition to whiplash, the quickness of the traumatic impact of a crash could be so extreme that it causes discs in the spine to bulge or herniate. Bulged or herniated discs can cause pressure on spinal nerves and trigger inflammation and pain.

Traumatic brain injuries

Vehicle accidents often cause a person’s head to strike various objects inside the vehicle. This could include the steering wheel, the airbag, the window, or the dash. The quick and violent nature of these incidents can cause the brain to jostle around inside of the skull. This can lead to bruising or bleeding that goes undetected for some time after the crash occurs. Concussions and more severe traumatic brain injuries can lead to delayed signs and symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, sleep problems, nausea, blurred vision, and cognitive problems.

Shoulder injuries

Shoulder injuries are relatively common in a car accident, particularly when a side impact collision occurs. Additionally, shoulder injuries can occur due to the strain put on the body by the seat belt tightening and not allowing forward movement. Shoulder injuries often involve damaged tendons, ligaments, and muscles, leading to significant pain and suffering for a victim.

Knee injuries

It is not uncommon for a car accident to cause drivers and occupants to strike their knees against the steering wheel or dash when a crash occurs. The force of an impact can cause a fracture to the underlying bony tissue in the area, including the Patella. These injuries can also cause trauma to the femur or tibia.

Psychological injuries

It is not uncommon for a vehicle accident victim to suffer from a range of psychological and emotional symptoms following a collision. These incidents are traumatic, and the accident itself as well as the subsequent injuries can lead to crash survivors becoming emotionally traumatized. This can cause anxiety, fear, sleeplessness, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Seek medical assistance as soon as possible

If you or somebody you care about begins to experience any signs and symptoms of delayed car accident injuries, you need to seek medical assistance as soon as possible. You deserve to be compensated if the careless or negligent actions of another driver caused your accident, but you cannot recover compensation if your injuries are not properly medically documented.