Recognizing Warning Signs of Sexual Abuse During Medical Care

When getting medical care, patients put a lot of trust in their providers, often assuming that no doctor or nurse will do anything to harm them. Yet, that is not always what occurs, and sometimes the worst can happen. If your healthcare provider caused harm to you or your family member, you have the right to take legal action against them, and our legal team will help you to do so. The first step, though, is recognizing the warning signs of sexual abuse during medical care.

If you believe you are at risk for any type of abuse from a medical provider, contact Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC now to learn more about how we can help you. We are happy to offer a free case evaluation when you call our office.

Warning Signs of Sexual Abuse During Medical Care

What Are the Signs of Sexual Abuse from a Medical Care Provider?

How do you know that sexual abuse took place, especially if you were unable to remain conscious when you were given care? Other times, it may be a family member or a child that you are concerned may have been abused. The following are some of the most common signs that a person may have experienced sexual abuse.

  • Inappropriate and non-consensual touching took place
  • Sexual activity or touching of patients who are unconscious, reported by others
  • Watching a patient get dressed or undressed
  • Engaging in commentary or making sexual comments about a patient in any way
  • Being touched in a sexual manner without permission or informed consent to do so
  • Coercion or manipulation that is sexual in nature

There are a few key signs that a person may have experienced sexual abuse by a medical provider (or anyone), most notably a change in their personality and behaviors:

  • Onset of anxiety and depression
  • Feeling shocked or unable to grasp what occurred
  • Self-harm
  • Substance abuse
  • Inconsistent behavior and mood swings
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder onset

In these situations, a person may know what occurred, or they may not have processed what occurred fully. They may be struggling with trying to come forward, and if this occurred to you, you may feel as though it is too embarrassing to even talk about it.

Yet, if it occurred to you, it can happen to others as well. It is critical to recognize these signs and then know how to take the legal action necessary to protect yourself or your family member from further harm.

Discuss Your Case with Our Legal Team Now

If you recognize the warning signs of sexual abuse during medical care or you simply are not sure if you have been the victim of it, do not wait to get more help. Contact our personal injury attorneys to discuss your case at a free consultation. Your privacy is fully protected, and our support is always given openly and honestly. We are dedicated to working closely with our clients to ensure their needs are met during this challenging time. Contact Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC for the legal guidance you need today. We are here to help you.