Important Records to Obtain After a Truck Accident in Oregon

After a truck accident causes injuries or property damage, it is essential for those involved to obtain various records in order to recover compensation for their losses. As we go through the types of records that should be obtained, we strongly encourage anyone who has been involved in a commercial truck crash to reach out to an experienced Portland personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Some of these records are hard to obtain, particularly for those who do not have much experience navigating the legal realm.

Which Records Are Important

You and your attorney can work together to help gather the following types of records:

  1. Police Report – The police report provides an official record of the accident, including details of the incident, parties involved, witness statements, and the officer’s observations. It can establish key facts and help determine liability.
  2. Medical Records – Medical records document the victim’s injuries, treatment, and prognosis. They provide critical evidence of the injuries sustained, the extent of medical care required, and the associated expenses. They also support the claim for compensation for medical bills, future treatment, and pain and suffering.
  3. Accident Reconstruction Reports – Accident reconstruction reports are prepared by experts who analyze the accident scene, vehicle damage, and other evidence to recreate the sequence of events. These reports can provide valuable insight into how the accident occurred, the contributing factors, and the potential negligence of the truck driver or other parties involved.
  4. Truck Driver’s Logs and Employment Records – Obtaining the truck driver’s logs, including records of driving hours, rest breaks, and maintenance logs, can reveal any violations of federal or state regulations. It helps determine if the driver was fatigued, driving beyond the allowable hours, or if the truck was inadequately maintained.
  5. Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection Records – Records of truck maintenance and inspections can shed light on whether the trucking company followed proper maintenance procedures and complied with safety regulations. Poor vehicle maintenance can contribute to accidents and establish negligence on the part of the trucking company, a maintenance company, or any other third-party involved with the operation of the vehicle.
  6. Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Data – Many commercial trucks are equipped with ELDs that electronically record driving time, speed, and other operational data. Accessing this data can provide important information about the driver’s actions leading up to the incident, including potential violations of regulations.
  7. Witness Statements – Statements from eyewitnesses who saw the accident can provide additional perspectives on how the accident occurred. Their testimonies can corroborate your version of events and strengthen your case.
  8. Photographs and Videos – Visual evidence, such as photos or video footage of the accident scene, property damage, skid marks, or road conditions, can help reconstruct the accident and demonstrate the severity of the impact. These visuals can be compelling evidence in negotiations or in a courtroom.
  9. Employment and Wage Records – If the victim’s injuries result in lost wages or the inability to work, employment and wage records are essential to substantiate the economic damages incurred. They help establish the financial impact caused by the accident.

If you are confused about the steps you should take after a truck accident occurs, please reach out to an attorney who can help you through this process. Seek some free consultations from attorneys you may want to work with and let them help you determine the best steps moving forward. When you obtain assistance from a Portland truck accident attorney, they will be the ones to handle the entire claim on your behalf.