Oregon Consumer Protection Laws

Consumers in Oregon are protected by a bevy of laws. Consumer protection laws are intended to safeguard the citizens of our state in commercial transactions and ensure that the marketplace is transparent and open. There are various types of laws in place to protect consumers. Some regulate interest rates and securities trading, while others deal with the sale of new and used vehicles. Here, we want to review some of the most common consumer protection laws in place in Oregon.

Oregon homestead laws (ORS 18.395 to 18.422)

Unfortunately, there are times when individuals in Oregon may need to file for bankruptcy. However, this does not mean that they have to lose everything. If you own and live in your home in Oregon, you will be able to claim this as your “homestead.” When this occurs, state homestead laws can help ensure that you do not lose your home. There are various exemptions to the Oregon homestead laws, so please speak to an attorney about your case.

Oregon interest rate laws (ORS 82.010)

Every state imposes a limit on the amount of interest that a bank or other lender can charge a consumer. In the state of Oregon, lenders can charge up to 9% interest unless otherwise agreed upon. This limit also applies to interest rates on judgments. However, lenders that make business loans of less than $50,000 and other financial institutions could be exempt from these limits.

Oregon antitrust laws (ORS Chapter)

There are major federal laws in place concerning antitrust actions that businesses partake in. This includes laws regarding businesses artificially inflating or fixing prices or charging exuberant amounts for necessary goods during a disaster. The state of Oregon also regulates trade with various antitrust laws. Specifically, these laws prohibit monopolies of businesses, contracts designed to restrain trade, and price discrimination between different purchasers.

Oregon lemon laws (ORS 646A.400)

A “lemon” is a product, usually a new vehicle, that has some serious problems to the point where it is considered inoperable or has an incredibly diminished value that the manufacturer is unable to remedy. In these cases, state lemon law will hold manufacturers and dealers accountable for these new vehicles by requiring a refund or replacement.

Oregon deceptive trade practice laws (ORS 646.605 to 656)

Under Oregon law, deceptive trade practices occur when businesses act unlawfully deceptive. This can include:

  • Passing off goods or services as those of another (counterfeiting)
  • Intentionally causing confusion about the origin, certification, approval, or sponsorship of goods or services
  • Selling reclaimed, deteriorated, or altered goods as new and unblemished
  • Falsely advertising an item
  • Representing goods as having sponsorship, certification, ingredients, benefits, etc. that they do not have

Oregon identity theft laws (ORS 165.800; 137.717)

Identity theft is a serious crime in Oregon, usually classified as either a class C felony or a class B felony. Identity theft typically involves the use of another person’s identifying information, such as their Social Security number, to commit fraudulent actions or other crimes under a false name.

Contact an attorney

If you or a loved one have been defrauded or scammed, you should speak to a defective product attorney in Portland as soon as possible. An Oregon consumer protection attorney will have the resources necessary to investigate every aspect of your case and ensure you have been treated fairly and receive compensation for what happened.