5 Neurological Symptoms to Be Aware Of

If you are in a car accident or suffer injuries as the result of another type of accident, you may mistakenly believe that your physical injuries are easy to notice. Yet, there are many types of neurological symptoms that can develop over time, indicating that you may have suffered a traumatic brain injury. If that may be the case in your situation, we encourage you to seek out medical care.

Our legal team at Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC will work to help you obtain compensation from those who caused your collision in a Portland car accident lawsuit. However, the first step is often to just know that there is a risk to you and ensure you get the care owed to you. The following are some of the most important neurological symptoms to be aware of after an accident.

Onset of Headaches

Headaches occur within the hours to days following injury to the brain. Most headaches are not worrisome, but those that are serious, come on unexpectedly, or a new type of pain you have not felt before need to be addressed, especially if you are sensitive to light or have a fever with them.


There are times when a neurological condition can cause seizures to occur, including exposure to medications, very high blood sugar, or damage to the brain from an accident. If these occur, they warrant immediate medical attention since they indicate direct damage to the brain’s ability to work properly.

Sudden Urinary or Fecal Incontinence

If you suddenly develop health complications like this – the sudden onset of urinary or fecal incontinence – that indicates there may be some type of stress factor occurring. Seek out immediate medical care. It could be an indication of a condition called cauda equina syndrome, which can create long-term injury.

Sudden Weakness and Numbness

Another potential concern is the sudden onset of weakness or numbness. This can include a variety of complications occurring, including damage to the spinal cord, strokes, and pinched nerves. There are some medical conditions that can be missed by doctors that often relate to this type of weakness as well including conditions like ALS, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.


A stroke occurs when the blood cannot get to a specific area of the brain for some reason. It can happen after an accident, during a medical procedure, or randomly due to high blood pressure. It can carry long-term, life-threatening complications with it. Stroke symptoms, such as one side of your body becoming weak or drooping on one side of the face, warrant immediate medical care.

Let Our Medical Malpractice Attorneys Go to Work for You

Our Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC will work with you to find out what happened and if someone else is responsible for your losses. For example, if you suffered serious medical complications after a medical procedure, you may be able to pursue medical malpractice. Other times, these symptoms occur after car accidents or other personal injury matters. Contact our team and let us help you to determine if someone else may be responsible for your losses at a free consultation.