Failure to Diagnose Kidney Failure in Portland

Kidney failure is a serious disorder where toxins and waste products cannot properly be removed from the bloodstream. If individuals are not properly diagnosed with kidney failure, this can lead to significant long-term complications, including the complete loss of the use of kidneys or even death. At Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys, we are here to help if you need a kidney failure misdiagnosis lawyer in Portland. We understand medical malpractice claims, and we want to help you recover the compensation needed to get through this.

Failure to Diagnose Kidney Failure Resources

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Why Choose Our Attorney?
Benefits of Hiring a Kidney Failure Misdiagnosis Lawyer
What is Kidney Failure?
Leading Causes of Kidney Failure
Potential Medical Errors That Could Cause Harm
Cost of a Kidney Failure Misdiagnosis Attorney
Speak to a Lawyer Today

Why Choose Our Portland Failure to Diagnose Kidney Failure Attorney?

Kidney Failure Misdiagnosis in Portland

Benefits of Hiring a Kidney Failure Misdiagnosis Lawyer in Portland

Determining the elements of negligence for a kidney failure misdiagnosis case in Portland is challenging. These claims can require extensive investigation and considerable expense, which is why having a skilled kidney failure misdiagnosis lawyer in Portland by your side is essential. The role of a lawyer includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Attorneys are particularly vital in cases involving kidney failure misdiagnosis. Their expertise in malpractice elements, evidence collection, negotiation, and cost management can significantly improve your chances of securing compensation for the damages resulting from a misdiagnosis related to kidney failure.

What is Kidney Failure?

Information presented by the Cleveland Clinic explains that kidney failure, also called renal failure, means that one or both kidneys no longer function well on their own. In some cases, kidney failure is temporary and develops quickly, but in other cases, kidney failure is a long-term chronic condition that progressively worsens.

Kidney failure is the most severe stage of chronic kidney disease and is fatal without prompt treatment.

Leading Causes of Kidney Failure

Kidney failure occurs due to a variety of reasons, though the most common are high blood pressure and diabetes.

Unmanaged diabetes can lead to chronic hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar levels. If a person’s blood sugar levels remain high over time, this can cause significant damage to the kidneys and other organs.

Blood pressure refers to the force with which blood travels through the body’s blood vessels, and high blood pressure over time can result in damage to the tissue of the kidneys.

There are other chronic medical conditions that can cause kidney failure, including polycystic kidney disease (PKD), glomerular diseases, and lupus.

Potential Medical Errors That Can Cause Harm

There are a variety of medical errors that can occur and lead to a person being misdiagnosed related to kidney failure. In many cases, individuals are diagnosed with some other type of ailment and not kidney failure, and this can lead to the kidney failure being discovered too late. One of the most common causes of kidney failure misdiagnosis is medical professionals completely missing early symptoms of chronic kidney disease or misidentifying these symptoms as having another source:

Aside from missing or misinterpreting symptoms of chronic kidney disease, other errors can certainly contribute to a misdiagnosis. This includes, but is not limited to,

Cost of a Kidney Failure Misdiagnosis Attorney in Portland

The team at Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys handles kidney failure misdiagnosis claims on a contingency fee basis. For you, as the patient harmed, this means no upfront or out-of-pocket costs related to the case. In fact, you will only pay legal fees after we successfully recover the compensation you need. If we do not win the case, you pay absolutely nothing.

Speak to Our Kidney Failure Misdiagnosis Lawyer in Portland Today

If you or somebody you love has been improperly diagnosed or if a medical professional failed to diagnose your kidney failure, reach out to the team at Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys for assistance as soon as possible. We have extensive experience handling complex medical malpractice claims throughout the Pacific Northwest, and we want to help you get through this. When you need a kidney failure misdiagnosis lawyer in Portland, you can contact an attorney for a free consultation of your claim by reaching out through our website contact form or calling us today.