Bend Birth Injury Lawyer

It is devastating for a family when a child is seriously injured at birth. Our experienced Bend personal injury attorneys at Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC are tough advocates for birth injury victims. We can investigate the cause of the injury and get justice for your child.  Contact us as soon as possible to schedule a consultation if you believe your child suffered birth injuries through medical negligence.

Bend Birth Injury Resources

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Why Choose Us?
Most Common Causes of Birth Injuries
Types of Birth Injuries
Who Is Liable for Birth Injuries?
Why You Need an Attorney
Time Limits on Oregon Birth Injury Cases
Speak to a Lawyer Today

Why Choose Us?

Bend Birth Injury Attorney

Most Common Causes of Birth Injuries in Bend

Birth injuries in Bend can occur in a variety of ways. Some of the most common of these birth injury causes include the following:

It is important to note that many of the items on the list above may seem like something that is unavoidable, particularly prolonged labor and delivery, fetal positioning, and size discrepancy. However, medical professionals involved with labor and delivery should always monitor hey mother and child and determine the best steps to take to prevent fetal or maternal distress or injury. This includes opting for a C-section or taking other medical interventions to prevent serious harm if these issues arise.

Types of Birth Injuries

It is important to remember that every birth injury case is unique, and the specific circumstances and severity of the injury can vary. Proper medical evaluation and diagnosis are necessary to determine the type and extent of a birth injury. If you think a birth injury has occurred, it is crucial to consult with medical professionals for accurate assessment, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment.

Who Is Liable for Birth Injuries in Bend?

Determining liability for a birth injury can be a complex process. This involves looking into the circumstances surrounding the injury and identifying the responsible parties. The following are some potential liable parties and the reasons why they could be held accountable:

Why Do You Need a Bend Birth Injury Lawyer?

Birth injury cases involve complex medical and legal issues and frequently require the testimony of expert witnesses. It is in your best interests to have an experienced birth injury attorney by your side to:

How Long do I Have to File a Birth Injury Claim in Oregon?

According to Oregon Revised Statutes section 12.110, the law states that most medical malpractice claims must be filed within two years from the date the injury or illness was first discovered or from when the injury or illness should have been discovered through the exercise of reasonable care. There is an overall timeline and place that states all medical malpractice actions must be filed within five years from the incident, regardless of when an individual knew about the harm.

However, there are various exceptions to the medical malpractice statute of limitations in Oregon. One of these exceptions deals with individuals who sustain injuries or illnesses and are under the age of 18. This would apply to birth injury claims. The statute of limitations clock can be paused (tolled) for up to five years from when the incident occurs or for one year after an individual turns 18, whichever comes first.

We encourage you to reach out to a skilled medical malpractice attorney with experience handling birth injuries. If you are a parent or if you are a minor who believes they have been harmed due to medical negligence, an attorney can guide you toward the best path for recovering compensation in your situation. At the very least, let an attorney give you a free consultation so you can understand your options.

Contact Us Today

At Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC, we are committed to pursuing justice for seriously injured victims. If you believe your child suffered birth injuries caused by medical negligence, speak with our experienced birth injury lawyers right away.