Salem Radiology Errors Attorney

Radiology errors can lead to misdiagnosis, delays in diagnosis, and improper medical treatment. These mistakes can happen for various reasons, such as poor training, insufficient staff to manage the number of patients cared for, and poor quality control. You could be entitled to compensation if a radiology error has harmed you or someone you care about in Salem, Oregon.

Paulson Colletti Trial Attorneys PC has experience representing clients harmed by radiology errors. Cases surrounding radiology errors can be complicated, but we understand the challenges faced by our clients as they seek justice, and we are committed to holding negligent medical providers accountable for their actions. Our Salem radiology errors attorney will seek the maximum compensation possible through negotiation or trial. 

Salem Radiology Errors Resources

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Why Choose Our Law Firm?
Common Radiology Errors in Salem
Proving Negligence in a Radiology Error Case
How Working With an Attorney Helps
Damages You May Seek
What is Oregon’s Statute of Limitations?
Speak to an Attorney Today

Why Choose Paulson Colletti Trial Attorneys PC

Salem Radiology Errors Attorney

What Are Common Types of Radiology Errors in Salem, Oregon?

There are several stages in the imaging process, and errors can arise at any stage. The most common radiology errors are listed below: 

How is Negligence Proven in a Radiology Error Case?

Medical providers owe a duty of care to their patients. To prove radiology errors were made, it is essential to demonstrate that the medical provider breached the standard of care to which the patient was entitled to. Your Salem medical malpractice attorney must show that the standards of practice in radiology were not met. 

Once it is demonstrated that there was a standard of care that was not met, it is pertinent to indicate that it caused the patient harm. The claimant must be able to prove that their condition was worsened because they failed to receive the treatment they needed due to the radiology error. Your Salem radiology errors attorney will ensure that the harm you suffered because of the error is well documented for insurance purposes and any negotiations or court proceedings that may follow. 

To establish damages suffered by the patient resulting from the radiology error, your radiology error attorney will present medical expenses incurred, proof of wages lost, and pain and suffering. 

How Working With a Salem Radiology Errors Attorney Helps

When you or someone you love has been injured by an error in radiology, it is crucial that you  promptly seek legal advice from one of our experienced radiology error attorneys. An attorney with Paulson Colletti Trial Attorneys PC will ensure you comprehend your legal rights and have a good understanding of all of your options throughout the legal process.

We understand that the first step in proceeding with a radiology error case is to review the medical records surrounding the imaging study. These records provide information about your medical care, the specifics of the error, and how it caused you harm. Your attorney can help you acquire these records and can review them with a professional eye to determine if you have grounds to file a lawsuit. 

After reviewing your medical records, your radiology errors attorney in Salem may consider a consultation with medical experts to evaluate your records. Experts can often offer insights about the standard of care owed by the radiologist and if it was breached. In some cases, this can lead to a lawsuit. If there was evidence uncovered to show there was a valid legal claim, your Salem personal injury attorney could help you seek the compensation you are due through negotiations with the radiologist or their insurance company.

Damages You May Seek Following a Radiology Error

While every radiology error case is unique, the damages you are entitled to may vary. Your Salem radiology error lawyer can help you determine the damages you are owed. You may be eligible for some or all of the damages listed below: 

The amount of monetary compensation you are entitled to seek may be limited. Oregon has a cap of $500,000 on non-economic damages such as pain and suffering.

The Statute of Limitation on Radiology Errors in Salem, Oregon

When considering filing a radiology error lawsuit, it is essential to do so within the statute of limitations. This statute of limitations is the deadline for filing a claim. It varies due to the type of claim being pursued. 

In Salem, Oregon, the statute of limitation on radiology errors is two years from the date of the injury or from the date that the injury should have been discovered through appropriate diligence. There are exceptions to these deadlines. For instance, if the victim was a minor or if the case was further complicated by medical providers trying to conceal records or engaging in fraudulent conduct.

Be sure to contact a radiology errors attorney in Salem, Oregon. By waiting too long, you could be forfeiting the compensation you are entitled to.

You Could Be Entitled to Compensation

Radiology mistakes can have a severe impact on a patient’s life. Misdiagnosis delayed diagnosis, and incorrect treatment plans can further harm or even be fatal. Suppose you or someone you love has been injured due to a radiology error. You must contact Paulson Colletti Trial Attorneys PC for consultation. 

Our legal team will ensure that you understand your legal rights and the options available to you. They will stand with you through every step of the legal process, pursuing the compensation you deserve for the harm you suffered. 

To avoid missing the deadline for filing a lawsuit, take action promptly, we work on a contingency basis, so there should be no concern about whether or not you can afford to seek legal counsel. Our successful track record, diligent work ethic, and experience with medical negligence can benefit you from the beginning of this journey to a successful resolution.