Causes & Consequences of Medical Equipment Failures

Medical devices and equipment are potentially life-saving tools. Without tools like pacemakers, surgical mesh, and more, the quality of life for many people would be significantly diminished. Unfortunately, that means many people have suffered major losses because of medical equipment failure.

Medical equipment failure and medical malpractice can have a lasting impact on your health, and for some, it can be deadly. When something you rely on for your health and well-being fails, it can cause significant harm. If something goes wrong with your medical equipment, identifying the cause and the specific consequences you have experienced can help you take action. If you decide to pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit in Portland, the experienced attorneys at Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC can help.

Top Causes for Medical Equipment Failures

When medical equipment fails, it can have severe consequences. Unfortunately, common mistakes have led to serious injury and issues for users of these devices when they fail. Below are a few common causes of medical equipment failure.

Materials-Related Issues

Using quality materials and medical equipment is an integral part of keeping you safe. Unfortunately, if testing is not part of the manufacturer’s process, there may be issues with degraded materials, quality, and compliance with state and federal law. In fact, according to EWI, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that around 30 to 40% of medical device failures were related to materials.

Failure to Properly Test Devices

Comprehensive testing is vital when placing a medical device in the body to ensure it is compatible, functional, and compliant with medical device standards. Unfortunately, many manufacturers are more focused on sales and rushing a product to market. That can lead to a lack of testing that can lead to dangerous consequences for the patient.

In-Service Degradation

When a medical device is placed in the body, it may not be expected to last a lifetime, but it is expected to last an extended time. Unfortunately, when in-service degradation happens, the medical device may break down much faster than expected. This may occur if the device is improperly stored or handled or if the materials were not intended for the use the device is facing.

Consequences of a Medical Device Failure

One of the biggest dangers of a medical device failure is the patient’s health. This is especially important for devices placed in the body, such as pacemakers. If something goes wrong with their medical equipment, it can have life-threatening results.

For example, surgical mesh has been the subject of various recalls and lawsuits because of its dangers. If the mesh fails, you may need further surgeries. It can also cause severe pain, infections, and damage to the body.

Because medical equipment failures are so dangerous, they can lead to medical malpractice allegations. If the manufacturer or your doctor fails to properly manufacture, implant, or otherwise provide that medical equipment for you, they may be responsible for the damage caused. Reporting the issue and seeking help can give you a better idea of your next steps.

You May Have Grounds to Take Legal Action

When facing injuries, illness, and ongoing medical emergencies, you may find that the damage caused by a medical equipment failure has changed your life. Fortunately, you do not have to accept these penalties without seeking aid. In these situations, you may have grounds for a product liability or medical malpractice lawsuit.

At Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC, we strive to help those injured by faulty medical equipment get compensated fairly for the suffering they have experienced. That starts with a free consultation, where we can discuss the grounds for a lawsuit you have, as well as the specifics of how we can approach your case. To learn more about the services we offer, you can always reach out by calling or filling out our online contact form.