Sacral Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are among the most severe and life-altering injuries one can endure, often resulting in lasting physical, emotional, and financial consequences. At Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC, we understand the profound impact these injuries have on individuals and their families. Our dedicated legal team has over 50 years of combined experience in providing compassionate, comprehensive legal support to those affected by spinal cord injuries. We are committed to ensuring our clients in Portland receive the care, attention, and compensation they deserve.

How Do Spinal Cord Injuries Occur?

Spinal cord injuries typically occur when there is a sudden, traumatic blow to the spine that fractures, dislocates, crushes, or compresses one or more of the vertebrae. Such injuries can also stem from a gunshot or knife wound that penetrates and cuts the spinal cord. In some cases, non-traumatic causes such as arthritis, cancer, inflammation, or infections can also lead to spinal cord injuries. Given the complexity of these injuries, understanding their mechanisms is crucial for effective legal representation.

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries in Portland

In Portland, like in many urban areas, spinal cord injuries are often the result of:

Each of these causes has its own complexities, which our experienced Portland spinal cord injury lawyers are adept at navigating to build a robust case for our clients.

What is a Sacral Spinal Cord Injury?

A sacral spinal cord injury specifically affects the sacral region at the lower end of the spinal column, just above the tailbone. This area comprises five segments, S1 – S5, which are responsible for nerve communication to the lower portion of the body. Injuries to this area can lead to loss of function in the hips and legs, and may also affect the pelvic organs. Many individuals with sacral spinal cord injuries retain the ability to walk. Nevertheless, the unique aspects of these injuries require an attorney with a deep understanding of the law. At Paulson Coletti, our attorneys work hard to ensure our clients receive informed and effective representation in their pursuit of fair compensation for their injuries and related financial losses. 

The Consequences of a Sacral Spinal Cord Injury

Sacral spinal cord injuries can have varied and profound impacts on the victim’s life, including:

At Paulson Coletti, our attorneys understand these multifaceted consequences and are dedicated to advocating for the full spectrum of our client’s needs.

Potential Compensation Available in Spinal Cord Injury Cases in Portland

Victims of spinal cord injuries in Portland may be entitled to various forms of compensation to cover both tangible and intangible damages, including:

In each case, our experienced legal team skillfully navigates the legal landscape after a spinal cord injury to secure maximum compensation for our client’s comprehensive needs.

Contact a Portland Spinal Injury Lawyer at Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC

If you or a loved one has experienced a sacral spinal cord injury in Portland, the legal journey ahead requires an attorney with deep understanding and a compassionate approach. Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC is dedicated to providing skilled legal representation. We invite you to reach out to us for a consultation, where we will discuss your case with empathy and detail, guiding you through each step to secure the justice and compensation you deserve. Your path to recovery and legal resolution starts here.