Subdural Hematoma

A brain injury can occur in various forms, each with its own set of challenges and consequences. One such injury is a subdural hematoma, which is a bleed within your skull that can have life-altering effects. If you or a loved one has experienced a subdural hematoma due to the negligence of another party, it is crucial to understand your rights and seek the assistance of a qualified Portland brain injury lawyer like those at Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC. We offer free initial consultations, call us today at (503) 862-8712 to schedule yours. 

How Do Brain Injuries Occur?

A brain injury can be the result of a variety of different circumstances. Here are some common scenarios that can lead to a brain injury:

  1. Motor Vehicle Accidents: Car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and even pedestrian accidents can result in traumatic brain injuries. The force of impact or sudden deceleration can lead to the brain colliding with the skull.
  2. Falls: Slips, trips, and falls, especially in public places or workplaces, can lead to head injuries. Falling from heights or onto hard surfaces can cause significant trauma to the brain.
  3. Acts of Violence: Physical altercations, assaults, or any intentional harm can result in brain injuries. Blows to the head or severe shaking can cause damage to brain tissues.
  4. Medical Malpractice: In some unfortunate cases, medical procedures or surgeries can lead to brain injuries. Anesthesia errors, surgical mistakes, or delayed diagnosis and treatment can have severe consequences.
  5. Sports Injuries: Contact sports like football, soccer, or boxing carry a risk of head injuries. Even in non-contact sports, accidental collisions or falls can lead to concussions or more severe brain injuries.

Understanding these common causes of brain injuries is vital for recognizing when a brain injury might be the result of negligence or someone else’s wrongful actions. If you suspect that your subdural hematoma resulted from such circumstances, seeking legal guidance is essential.

What is a Subdural Hematoma?

A subdural hematoma is a medical condition characterized by the accumulation of blood between the brain and the dura mater, which is the tough outer membrane that covers the brain. This accumulation of blood can exert pressure on the brain, leading to various symptoms and complications.

Subdural hematomas can result from traumatic head injuries, such as those sustained in accidents or falls, where the head experiences sudden acceleration and deceleration forces. The tearing of blood vessels between the brain and the dura mater can cause bleeding and the formation of a hematoma.

These hematomas can vary in size and severity, and the symptoms may not always be immediately apparent but, in severe cases, can lead to life-threatening conditions and permanent brain damage. 

Consequences of a Subdural Hematoma

A subdural hematoma can have significant consequences, both in terms of immediate health and long-term well-being. The effects of a subdural hematoma can vary depending on factors like the size of the hematoma, its location, and the promptness of medical intervention. 

Here are some potential consequences:

  1. Neurological Symptoms: subdural hematomas can lead to a range of neurological symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, confusion, and changes in behavior or mood.
  2. Loss of Consciousness: In severe cases, a subdural hematoma can cause loss of consciousness, coma, or even death if not promptly treated.
  3. Long-Term Impacts: Some individuals may experience long-term consequences such as cognitive impairments, memory problems, or changes in personality.
  4. Disability: Depending on the severity of the hematoma, individuals may suffer from physical disabilities or require ongoing medical care and rehabilitation.
  5. Emotional and Psychological Impact: Coping with the aftermath of a subdural hematoma can be emotionally challenging for both the affected individual and their loved ones.

If you or a family member has experienced such an injury due to the negligence of another party, understanding these consequences is crucial when seeking legal help to secure the compensation and support you need to address the consequences of such a serious injury. 

Potential Compensation Available in Subdural Hematoma Cases in Portland

After you or a loved one has suffered a subdural hematoma, it is important to consider the potential compensation available, especially if the injury resulted from someone else’s negligence. Here are some types of compensation that may be available:

  1. Present and Future Medical Costs: Compensation can cover the medical expenses incurred for treating the subdural hematoma, including surgeries, hospital stays, medication, rehabilitation, and ongoing care.
  2. Lost Wages: If the injury has caused you to miss work or has left you with a reduced capacity to earn income, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages and future earning potential.
  3. Pain and Suffering: Compensation may also encompass the physical and emotional pain and suffering you’ve endured due to the subdural hematoma and its consequences.
  4. Loss of Consortium: In cases where the injury has had a significant impact on your personal relationships, your family members may seek compensation for the loss of consortium, which includes the loss of companionship and support.
  5. Disability Accommodations: If you require modifications to your home or lifestyle due to a disability resulting from the subdural hematoma, compensation can help cover these costs.
  6. Punitive Damages: In cases involving extreme negligence or intentional harm, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the at-fault party and deter similar actions in the future.

An experienced attorney can help you assess your damages and navigate the legal process to secure the compensation you deserve.

Contact A Portland Subdural Hematoma Lawyer for Help

Navigating the complexities of a subdural hematoma case can be challenging, especially when you or a loved one is focused on recovery. That is where a skilled and compassionate Portland subdural hematoma lawyer comes in. 

Your attorney’s goal is to ensure that you receive the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages associated with the subdural hematoma. They will be your advocate, fighting for your rights and helping you navigate the legal process during this challenging time.

If you believe that negligence or the actions of another party led to your subdural hematoma, seeking legal assistance is vital. Contact a qualified Portland brain injury lawyer at Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC to discuss your case and explore your legal options. Call us at (503) 862-8712 today to schedule your free case evaluation.